Sabtu, 22 April 2017





There are several ways to define an acid, but they include any chemical that gives off protons or H+ in water. Acids have a pH less than 7. They turn the pH indicator phenolphthalein colorless and turn litmus paper red.

Acid Anhydride
An acid anhydride is an oxide that forms an acid when it is reacted with water. For example, when SO3- is added to water, it becomes sulfuric acid, H2SO4.


A type of matter with a fixed composition

If all the atoms in a substance has the same identity it becomes {blank}.

Actual Yield
The actual yield is the amount of product you actually obtain from a chemical reaction, as in the amount you can measure or weigh as opposed to a calculated value.

Addition Reaction
An addition reaction is a chemical reaction in which atoms add to a carbon-carbon multiple bond.

An alcohol is any organic molecule that has an -OH group.

An aldehyde is any organic molecule that has a -COH group.

Homogeneous Mixture

Contains 2 or more gases, liquids, or solids substances blended evenly


Homogeneous mixture with particles so small that they cannot be seen with a microscope.


Type of mixture with particles that are larger than those in solutions, but not heavy enough to settle out.

Heterogeneous Mixture

Mixture in which different materials can easily be distinguished.

Alkali Metal
 An alkali metal is a metal in Group I of the periodic table. Examples of alkali metals include lithium, sodium, and potassium.

A base is a compound that produces OH- ions or electrons in water or that accepts protons. An example of a common base is sodium hydroxide, NaOH.

Beta Particle
A beta particle is an electron, although the term is used when the electron is emitted in radioactive decay.
Binary Compound
A binary compound is one made up of two elements.

Bond Energy
Bond energy is the amount of energy required to break one mole of chemical bonds.

A liquid that resists change in pH when an acid or base is added. A buffer consists of a weak acid and its conjugate base. An example of a buffer is acetic acid and sodium acetate.

Calorimetry is the study of heat flow. Calorimetry may be used to find the heat of

Carboxylic Acid

A carboxylic acid is an organic molecule containing a -COOH group. An example of a carboxylic acid is acetic acid.


A catalyst is a substance that lowers the activation energy of a reaction or speeds it without being consumed by the reaction. Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts for biochemical reactions.

A cathode is the electrode which gains electrons or is reduced. In other words, it is where reduction occurs in an electrochemical cell.

Covalent Bond
A covalent bond is a chemical bond formed when two atoms share two electrons.

Critical Mass
Critical mass is the minimum quantity of radioactive material needed to cause a nuclear chain reaction.

Critical Point
The critical point is the endpoint of the liquid-vapor line in a phase diagram, past which a supercritical liquid forms. At the critical point, the liquid and vapor phases become indistinguishable from one another.

A crystal is an ordered, repeating three-dimensional pattern of ions, atoms, or molecules. Most crystals are ionic solids, although other forms of crystals exist.

Delocalization is when electrons become free to move all over a molecule, such as when double bonds occur on adjacent atoms in a molecule.

There are two common meanings for this in chemistry. First, it can refer to any process used to make ethanol unfit for consumption (denatured alcohol). Second, denaturing can mean breaking down the three-dimensional structure of a molecule, such as a protein is denatured when exposed to heat.

Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration.
Boiling Point

The point in temperature when the liquid starts to boil.

Dilution is when a solvent is added to a solution, making it less concentrated.
Heat of Vaporization

Amount of energy required for a liquid to become a gas

Spreading of particles throughout a given volume until they are distributed.

Dissociation is when a chemical reaction breaks a compound into two or more parts.
Effusion is when a gas moves through an opening into a low-pressure container (e.g., is drawn by a vacuum). Effusion occurs more quickly than diffusion because additional molecules aren't in the way.
Electrolysis is using electricity to break the bonds in a compound to break it apart.
An electrolyte is an ionic compound that dissolves in water to produce ions, which can conduct electricity. Strong electrolytes completely dissociate in water, while weak electrolytes only partially dissociate or break apart in water
Enantiomers are molecules that are non superimposable mirror images of each other.
Endothermic describes a process that absorbs heat. Endothermic reactions feel cold
The endpoint is when a titration is stopped, typically because an indicator has changed color. The endpoint need not be the same as the equivalence point of a titration.
Energy Level
An energy level is a possible value of energy that an electron can have in an atom.
Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system.

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10 komentar:

  1. Hi rinii. could you give me example for Electrolysis?

    1. thanks for the comment nurul, i will to try to be answer you questions abot example of elecrtolysis

      In chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a method of using a direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction.

      Electrolysis is commercially highly important as a stage in the separation of elements from naturally occurring sources such as ores using an electrolytic cell. The voltage that is needed for electrolysis to occur is called decomposition potential.

      Electrolysis is the passage of a direct electric current through an ionic substance that is either molten or dissolved in a suitable solvent, resulting in chemical reactions at the electrodes and separation of materials.
      The electrolysis of Brine. Brine is a concentrated solution of of sodium chloride (NaCl). Brine provides important, useful elements if it breaks down, like Hydrogen, Chlorine and Sodium Hydroxide. Usually electrolysis is used for strong, stable compounds, like Brine, in order to bring their decomposition because they require high amount of energy (to break them down).
      The reaction is: 2NaCl(aq)+2H2O→2NaOH(aq)+Cl2(g)+H2(g)

      The ions are Na+andCl− from the salt, and H+andOH− from the water.

      At the cathode: Hydrogen is produced, the gas bubbles off. 2H+(aq)+2e=H2(g)

      . At the Anode: Chlorine is produced and off it goes. 2Cl−(aq)=Cl2(g)+2e

      The remaining ions left are Na+andOH− which gives us Sodium Hydroxide, and is also collected to be used in factories and industries.

  2. Mention and explain how to manufacture colloid system?

    1. okay zelvi thanks for the comment and visited my blog
      A colloid is a type of mixture in which one substance is dispersed evenly throughout another.

      A colloidal system consists of two separate phases: a dispersed phase (or internal phase) and a continuous phase (or dispersion medium). A colloidal system may be solid, liquid, or gaseous.

      Some characteristics of colloid which is easy to be observed in experiment:

      Can scatter light. The happening of scattering light by colloidal particles is called Tyndall Effect.
      Coagulation. The colloidal particles can coagulate so that, its stability lost. Some factors which can influence coagulation are heat, cold, mixing electrolyte and long electrophoresis process.

      There are two methods of making colloid:

      Dispersion: Making colloid by changing rough particle becomes colloid-size particle.

      Some of Dispersion method:

      – Mechanical method, that is by crushing.

      – Peptization, that is by adding disperse agent in sediment until become colloid.

      – Bredig Arch, that is by giving strong enough electric current.

      – Ultrasonic, that is by using high frequency sound.

      – Homogenization, that is by making same size.

      Condensation: Making colloid by changing substance particles become colloid particles.

      There are also some condensation methods:

      – Hydrolysis reaction.

      – Red ox reaction.

      – Substituting solvent.

      – Mixing low concentration solution.

      Classification of Colloids

      – Solid sols, colloid consisting of solid dispersed phase and solid dispersing phase.

      – Solid emulsion, colloid consisting of liquid dispersed phase and solid dispersing phase.

      – Solid foams, colloid consisting of gaseous dispersed phase and solid dispersing phase.

      – Gels, colloid consisting of solid dispersed phase and liquid dispersing phase.

      – Emulsion, colloid consisting of liquid dispersed phase and liquid dispersing phase.

      – Foam, colloid consisting of gaseous dispersed phase and liquid dispersing phase.

      – Solid aerosol, colloid consisting of solid dispersed phase and gaseous dispersing phase.

      – Liquid aerosol, colloid consisting of liquid dispersed phase and gaseous dispersing phase.

  3. Can you please mention example of buffer?

    1. An acid can be defined as the solution which gives hydrogen ions in the solutions such as hydrochloric acid. Similarly solution which can give hydroxide ions in its solution is commonly called as alkali or base. The acidic and alkaline nature of any solution can be determined with the help of pH of that solution. The pH of any solution is negative logarithm of concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. So we know the concentration of hydrogen ions in a particular solution, we can calculate the pH of solution.

      In other words we can say that any change in the concentration of hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions of a solution will alter the pH of solution. Definitely by changing the concentration of these two ions which can be done by addition of acid or alkali to the solution. If we add acid to a solution or solvent, the concentration of hydrogen ions in that solution will increase which further reduce the pH of solution whereas addition of hydroxide ions to the solution decreases the concentration of hydrogen ions due to reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions which forms water and increase the pH of solution. Can we make such solutions whose pH remains constant even after addition of little amount of acid or alkali. So the answer is YES. We can make such solutions which exhibit no change in pH even after addition of acid or alkali to the solution. Such solutions which do not show any change in the pH even after addition of acid or alkali to the solutions are called as buffer solution.
      Acidic buffer solutions exhibit pH below 7. They are commonly made from a weak acid and one of its salts - often a sodium salt such as equal molar mixture of acetic acid and sodium acetate in solution whose pH is of 4.76. We know that acetic acid is a weak acid and can ionize in the following manner;


      The position of this equilibrium will be well to the left because it cannot ionize completely. The conjugated base of acetic acid like sodium acetate is salt and ionizes completely to give acetate ions and hydrogen ions.

      Addition of sodium acetate to solution increases the concentration of acetate ions which shifts the position of equilibrium towards left because according to Le Chatelier's Principle, the reaction moves in that direction which can minimize the effect of changes occur during the reaction. Now in this mixture, there are lots of un-ionized acetic acid molecules, acetate ions and hydrogen ions which turn the solution acidic. If we add an acid to this buffer solution the pH must be drop as the concentration of hydrogen ions increases. Now if the concentration of hydrogen ions will remain constant even after addition of acid, the pH will be constant. Here extra hydrogen ions react with acetate ions to form acetic acid which is a weak acid and cannot ionize completely. So the concentration of hydrogen ions remain constant and there will be no change in pH of solution after addition of little amount of acid. Now let’s have a look of addition of alkali to same buffer solution. Addition of alkali increases the concentration of hydroxide ions and can increase the pH of solution. For maintain the pH of solution, hydroxide ions must be removed from the solution. These ions can react with acetic acid and form acetate ion with water.


      Another possible reaction is reaction of hydroxide ions with hydrogen ions come from dissociation of acetic acid which results the formation of waters. So the pH of solution remains un-alter and form a buffer solutions.

  4. Please explain in detail about "delocalization" in chemistry

    1. The presence of alternating π and σ bonds in a molecule such as benzene is known as a conjugated system, or conjugated π bonds. Conjugated systems can extend across the entire molecule, as in benzene, or they can comprise only part of a molecule. A conjugated system always starts and ends with a π bond (i.e. an sp2 or an sp-hybridized atom), or sometimes with a charge. The atoms that form part of a conjugated system in the examples below are shown in blue, and the ones that do not are shown in red. Most of the times it is sp3 hybridized atoms that break a conjugated system.

      Practically every time there are π bonds in a molecule, especially if they form part of a conjugated system, there is a possibility for having resonance structures, that is, several valid Lewis formulas for the same compound. What resonance forms show is that there is electron delocalization, and sometimes charge delocalization. All the examples we have seen so far show that electrons move around and are not static, that is, they are delocalized. Charge delocalization is a stabilizing force because it spreads energy over a larger area rather than keeping it confined to a small area. Since electrons are charges, the presence of delocalized electrons brings extra stability to a system compared to a similar system where electrons are localized. The stabilizing effect of charge and electron delocalization is known as resonance energy.

      Since conjugation brings up electron delocalization, it follows that the more extensive the conjugated system, the more stable the molecule (i.e. the lower its potential energy). If there are positive or negative charges, they also spread out as a result of resonance.
      In chemistry, delocalized electrons are electrons in a molecule, ion or solid metal that are not associated with a single atom or a covalent bond.[1] The term is general and can have slightly different meanings in different fields. In organic chemistry, this refers to resonance in conjugated systems and aromatic compounds. In solid-state physics, this refers to free electrons that facilitate electrical conduction. In quantum chemistry, this refers to molecular orbitals that extend over several adjacent atoms.

  5. are there any other factors for denature ? aside from heat ?

    1. okay febby thanks for the questions and visited my blog, the other factor for danatue is clod, for the example Protein molecules carry out many important tasks in living systems. Most important, the majority of proteins are quite specific about which task they perform. Protein structure is what dictates this specificity, and the three-dimensional (tertiary) structure is particularly important. When this specific three-dimensional structure is disrupted, the protein loses its functionality and is said to have undergone denaturation.

      The interactions, such as hydrogen bonding , that dictate the tertiary structure of proteins are not as strong as covalent chemical bonds. Because these interactions are rather weak, they can be disrupted with relatively modest stresses.

      If a solution containing a protein is heated, it will reach a temperature at which properties such as viscosity or the absorption of ultraviolet (UV) light will change abruptly. This temperature is called the melting temperature of the protein (because the measurement is analogous to that made for the melting of a solid). The melting temperature varies for different proteins, but temperatures above 41°C (105.8°F) will break the interactions in many proteins and denature them. This temperature is not that much higher than normal body temperature (37°C or 98.6°F), so this fact demonstrates how dangerous a high fever can be.

      A familiar example of heat-caused denaturation are the changes observed in the albumin protein of egg whites when they are cooked. When an egg is first cracked open, the "whites" are translucent and runny (they flow like a liquid), but upon heating they harden and turn white. The change in viscosity and color is an indication that the proteins have been denatured.

      Factors other than heat can also denature proteins. Changes in pH affect the chemistry of amino acid residues and can lead to denaturation. Hydrogen bonding often involves these side changes. Protonation of the amino acid residues (when an acidic proton H + attaches to a lone pair of electrons on a nitrogen) changes whether or not they participate in hydrogen bonding, so a change in the pH can denature a protein.
